The healing benefits people have experienced using Energy Medicine is as far reaching as calming anxiety and reducing headaches to avoiding surgeries they are now told they no longer need. For me, personally I have used it for minimizing pain, fixing digestive issues, reducing swelling from a snakebite, and calming nerves.
The easiest place to get started with energy medicine is doing this Daily Energy Routine created by Donna Eden. Donna teaches that these exercises are the most beneficial for a wide variety of problems and work to balance some of the more common energy imbalances. If you’re feeling ungrounded, scrambled, unfocused, or tired try this routine every morning and notice if anything improves. It take 5 to 10 minutes and has changed so many lives.
After you’ve followed the video a few times print out this que sheet to help you along.

Daily Energy Routine (DER)
Four Thumps – Stomach 2, Kidney 27, Thymus, Spleen 21
Crossover Shoulder Pull
Cross Crawl
Wayne Cook Posture
Crown Pull
Connecting Heaven and Earth
Zip Up
Hook Up
Download this printable que sheet to help you along. I also sell magnets and window clings in my online store.
I did my Energy Medicine Practitioner Training through Donna Eden’s Energy Medicine program.
Learn more about Donna Eden and The Eden Method.